Each week for 12 weeks, I’ll blog about one habit. And if you feel inclined, you can road test it for yourself. Habit 9 is about Relationships with Others.
Read MoreEach week for 12 weeks, I’ll blog about one habit. And if you feel inclined, you can road test it for yourself. Habit 6 is about Kindness.
Read MoreI always figured I would have children of my own. That was usually just how it rolled then. When I was 16 years old, I bought one of those tiny hard-covered books from a newsagency with lots of cute hand-drawn illustrations inside and cheezie quotes.
Read MoreProgression and completion. Two words that won’t disappear. And nor should they - but it would be wonderful to hear them said within the same sentence as the words “skyrocketing or better-than-ever”.
Read MoreI’ve just returned from skiing in the Shiga Kogen region in Japan. The last time I had skis strapped to my feet was 16 years ago so was I just a little bit nervous? Yes.
Read MoreThe week before Christmas, my parents moved into an Aged Care Facility to “trial” it for three weeks. They’ve lived in the family home for 55 years where they raised their three children.
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