How to challenge an unhelpful belief

Firstly though, what’s a belief? A simple explanation is a belief is ‘a thought you keep on thinking’.

But beliefs are a little different to thoughts because thoughts emerge and then if we don’t grab hold of them, they slowly drift away. Beliefs on the other hand are like a lens that we’re looking through every day.

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Michelle Carlyle
What score would you give yourself today?

How we feel about ourselves is a critical component of our mental health. It’s often referred to as our self-esteem. Essentially though, it is how you rate you. Your perception of you. If you like who you are, knowing of course that you’re not perfect, then the chances are you have a healthy self-esteem.

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Michelle Carlyle
Why being an optimist isn't enough in 2021

With 2020 soon behind us, many people may be feeling optimistic about the future. “We’ll have a COVID vaccine soon! 2021 is going to be better!” And while having those positive and optimistic thoughts are great and should be encouraged, they aren’t enough.

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Michelle Carlyle
Checklist: Everyday Positives

It’s pretty easy to spot the negative stuff. We go about our day buzzing from one thing to another. Not much time is spent looking out for those positive moments. When we do notice them, we quickly forget them and move on to the next dot point on our daily list of bullet points.

But you can change that.

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Michelle Carlyle
Ten Tips For Thriving In The Next Decade

When you reflect on the last year, or the last decade, how do you feel?

Have you been thriving or merely surviving? If it’s been a struggle, then the chances are your Thrive Quotient is low. Your Thrive Quotient measures a number of components of your mindset including specific beliefs, thinking styles, self and social confidence, and attitude.

Here are ten things that thriving people, those with a high Thrive Quotient, do every day.

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Michelle Carlyle